Learn Self Hypnosis Fast and Easy with a Real Live Professional Hypnotherapist

New York Hypnosis & NY-Hypnosis.com are registered TM. Copyright 2010 New York Hypnosis.

Self Hypnosis is an art form. It must be done by an experienced hypnotist. That said, you need to become an experienced hypnotist to some degree in order to do Self Hypnosis well.  I teach you what you need to know to turn yourself into a successful self hypnotist. You might even be able to hypnotize others!
Many people use Self Hypnosis CDs or say Affirmations to achieve their goals, but they find small changes are made compared to when they learn these skills from

a real experienced professional personal mentor.
You'll be able to create lasting changes with self hypnosis. You’ll fully understand the subconscious mind and hypnosis as a scientific art form.
Self hypnosis can be learned fast and inexpensively. You need to learn it correctly, practice it and be self motivated.
If you commit to it you will see astonishing results very quickly.

Types of appointments with us:

  1. Bullet In office, one on one sessions

  2. Bullet Live online sessions via video chat, one on one.

  3. Bullet Live seminar, in group sessions (when available)

  4. Bullet Webinars online, in group sessions (when available)

You will learn just as well in one of our online sessions right from the comfort of your home as you can in person.

“Give a man a fish, you feed him for a day.
Teach a man to fish, you feed him for a lifetime.”

You need help NOW, so call us NOW and book your appointment!

What You Will Learn

  1. BulletHow to use self hypnosis to help you overcome your debilitating issues.

  2. BulletHow the Automatic Subconscious Response System works

  3. BulletHow you are already in states of hypnosis when you didn’t realize it,

  4. BulletHow you created your reality as you know it,

  5. BulletHow to recreate your reality using self hypnosis

  6. BulletHow the neuro network and the firing of neurons creates you.

  7. BulletNeuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) - How your neurological system and brain respond to words.

  8. BulletHow to use Ambiguities and Anchors

  9. BulletHow placebo works in Hypnosis.

  10. BulletTo create very well structured, very effective self suggestions.

  11. BulletHow to understand the difference between effective and non effective affirmations.

  12. BulletHow to completely relax physically with self suggestions.

  13. BulletHow to completely relax mentally with self suggestions.

  14. BulletHow to switch from one brain wave into the another. 

  15. BulletWhat each brainwave offers you to create effective self hypnosis sessions.

  16. BulletAbout reality and what it really is. Its not what you think it is.

  17. BulletSeveral tried and true meditations that stop a busy, anxious, habitual, downward spiraling brain in its tracks.

  18. BulletSeveral tried and true meditations that cause you to improve your life and mind immediately.

  19. BulletYour place in this universe based on quantum physics.

  20. BulletAbout your Critical Factor, what it does and how to stop it.

  21. BulletHow to understand body language to create emotional change.

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